Equipment Damage:
- Equipment damage is subject to the FULL market value price of the item.
Wall Damage:
- < 1 ft x 1 ft in size = $100
- > 1 ft x 1 ft in size = $200
TEMPERATURE: As the Las Vegas temperatures increase, the facility is warm (varies between 79 – 82° F). Our evaporative coolers are working diligently to keep the facility as cool as possible. There is a water station located in the lobby and water and Gatorade are available for purchase; however, it is STRONGLY advised to stay hydrated before, during, and after your basketball session. By signing up, you understand these terms. (updated 9/4/2022)
- Game Rules:
- Game length: 8 Minutes, or first to 12 points
- Points: 1-2 points (2 Points – FIBA line)
- If game is within 3 points, time will STOP only for “FOUL” or “jump ball” violations DURING THE LAST MINUTE.
- Overtime:
- 1st Overtime: 2 minute
- 2nd Overtime: 1 minute
- 3rd Overtime: Sudden Death (First team to score)
- If your team wins 3 games in a row, you will sit out immediately afterward.
- The clock will run through ALL ARGUMENTS.
- The clock STOPS with all injuries.
- Respect all fouls, no shooting for foul calls, check ball on all foul calls.
- NO, “And-1”-calls. The athlete must call “FOUL” for your call to be honored.
- If “FOUL” is not called, the play results in a turnover and the team will get the ball.
- If you are fouled in the act of shooting and the basketball is made, the point counts and the other team will get the ball.
- No offensive fouls, no over the back, no carry calls until under 1-minute of play.
- Behavior Guidelines:
- Please clean up after yourself.
- DO NOT verbally or physically assault the timekeeper/scorekeeper. By doing so, you will IMMEDIATELY be REMOVED and BANNED from ATLAS.
- If both teams argue more than 30 seconds, both teams will be removed from the court.
- Doing so will result in removal from the gym.
- All those involved in physical or verbal altercations will result in suspension for a minimum of one month to a maximum of one year.
- Any fight will result in a complete stoppage of OPEN RUN for the entire day.